Thursday 22 March 2012

Dr. Jane!

With the warm weather continuing, I met up with two other co op students yesterday and we headed back over Alexandra Bridge to Gatineau towards the Museum of Civilization for an exciting event.

A fellow Guelph co-op student outside the Museum

Jane Goodall has a new documentary that got shortlisted for an Oscar nomination entitled ‘Jane’s Journey’. Jane Goodall herself was there at the museum to introduce the movie and do a Q&A session afterwards, and I met her at the end at the book signing! I knew about her famous work with the chimps in Gombe, discovering how they had warfare among themselves and used tools like humans do, but I had no idea she had become such an activist in terms of sustainability and the environment. She travels 300 days a year speaking to people; she was really quite motivational and funny, too! If you get a chance to watch her documentary, it’s really interesting and depicts how she got chosen to go to Gombe, her life there, and what made her switch from field research (a young girl asked if she could be anywhere in the world at that moment, where would she be…Jane answered without hesitation that she would be in the forests of Gombe) to traveling the world to speak to people. She had a message and a passion that I won’t forget and I’m so glad I got that opportunity!

Our exciting front row seats for the Q&A.
Meeting Jane! 
Alexandra Bridge lit up on the walk back to Ottawa

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